AAPT 2009 Handouts
If there were any handouts that were given that you don't see here or if there is any additional information you would like from any of the DMAPT sponsored sessions just send me an email and let me know (dickie(at)dmapt.org)
Advice for New Physics Teachers on Monday at 4:30 in 1040 Dana
The files for these activities are attached at the bottom of this web page:
Stomper Lab (.docx)
Stepwise Approximation of a Comet Orbit (Original)
Stepwise Approximation of a Comet Orbit (Updated)
Newton's Second Law Lab (.doc)
Boomilever Contest (.doc)
New Demos in E&M on Tuesday at 8:30 am in 170 Dennison
Visual Analyser - Free Oscilloscope program for Windows, includes FFT
Audacity - Free program for recording audio, but can be used as a recording oscilloscope (Win, Mac, Linux)
Solar Cell as cheap computer light sensor
IR Webcam - Instructions for how to modify a cheap webcam to see near IR light. Two different sets of instructions: Camera 1, Camera 2
Wiimote Whiteboard - This got cut from our presentation, but I do have full instructions
Discrepant Events on Tuesday at 9:30 am in 170 Dennison
MS Word Version
PDF Version
Make and Take on Tuesday 4:15 pm in 1412 Randall
Ping Pong Color Mixer - The Physics Teacher, Vol. 45, No. 2, p. 120, February 2007. Detailed Directions
Lecture Sized Color Mixer. Get one from Amazon.com
Homopolar Motor - We did this two ways. Method 1, Method 2
Student Lab (.doc)
How it Works (.doc)
String Thing
Electrophorous (.doc), Leyden Jar (.doc), and Leyden Jar Lab Activity - Also, the lead-in activity: How Materials Become Charged (.doc)
Laser Show - Don's is a bit different, but this is the general idea. A small piece of mirror is far superior to a CD fragment.