April Meeting (brief)
Post date: Apr 21, 2010 8:34:13 AM
This is just a quick re-cap of information from the April 20th meeting. We promised links and such, so I wanted to make sure they showed up. More detailed notes will be coming soon(ish).
David Cinabro - Spoke about his High School SuperNova search grant application. If you migh be interested in being one of the schools he works with if he gets the grant then you should send him an email. cinabro@physics.wayne.edu David's powerpoint is attached below as a pdf file.
Sloan Digital Sky Survey -Â David also shared some cool links
SDSS Sky Server - Very accessible site, includes some projects for students/teachers
Galaxy Zoo - Actually participate in real science. Help classify actual galaxies
Google Sky - Much of the imagery Google used for this came from SDSS
Galileoscope Links
Main site - https://www.galileoscope.org/gs/
Assembly Instructions (PDF)
MiAAPT Meeting Saturday, April 24th
Modeling Workshop Application Due Friday, April 23rd (email Laura Ritter)
Video Analysis Workshop, May 1st (email Steve Dickie)
Physics of Cell Phones Workshop - June 23rd-24th (email Mark Davids)