February at Divine Child High School
Post date: Feb 05, 2009 10:50:22 AM
I (Steve Dickie) got to host this one, but as usual I had about 10 hours worth of material but only an hour worth of time to present, so I didn't get to everything I'd like to have done. If you're interested in seeing more of what I do then you might want to check out my blogs. I've been doing a technology in education blog for three or four years (Teaching With Technology) and more recently I've started doing one that's more focused on science education (FLOSScience). Over the next few days I'll be collecting notes and links on everything I presented and I'll put them here.
As you may also know. We tried something new and streamed the whole meeting live on the internet via Ustream. Ustream also recorded the boradcast, but it doesn't seem to play well from the net. I've downloaded it and as soon as I get it edited down a little I'll post it up.
Here are some Wiimote links to whet your appetite.
Where to go for help: http://www.wiimoteproject.com/index.php?action=forum
penteractive.us - $8 pen, $37 ceiling mounting system
Windows (you will need .Net 3.5 from Microsoft)
Smoothboard: http://www.smoothboard.net/
Linktivity Presenter: http://www.linktivity.com/presenter.html
Magic Pen: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/27332
Darwin Remote: http://darwiin-remote.sourceforge.net/
Need a very bright IR LED. I got mine from Mouser
Both the windows and mac software all for you to use the wiimote as a three-axis accelerometer for data collection or as an interactive whiteboard system